"February 29 in the Gregorian calendar, the most widely used today, is a date that occurs only once every four years, in years evenly divisible by 4, such as 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012 or 2016 (with the exception of century years not divisible by 400, such as 1900). These are called leap years. "
so maknanya tahun ni takde 29th of February...& takde la celebration birthday my older brother, Ihsan Junaidi... wahahah...sejak kecik sampai la dah tua ni...birthday sambut 4 tahun sekali je... tapi our family still wishes him Happy Birthday every 1st of March.
So here goes,
ALLAH selamatkan kamu...
ALLAH selamatkan kamu...
ALLAH selamatkan Ihsan Junaidi Ibrahim
ALLAH selamatkan kamu...
P/s: Happy birthday to mak ngah mirani too.... (our former nanny for 10 years)
May this year brings happiness and rezeki yang mencurah2 lagi...
(almaklumlah, org nak kahwin hujung bulan ni)...
Anyway, enough of that!!.. rasenya macam kosong je blog ni without latest photo...
so here goes, enjoy our latest pic..
It includes gambar Nuyin waktu ayah hospitalized last Tuesday, gambar Nuyin & Ibu malam tadi...akhirnya setelah berbulan2 teringin makan chinese dinner, ayah finally bawak ibu pi makan...wahahaha... and gambar pagi tadi waktu ibu antar Nuyin pi umah atuk n wan...(weekend day-care)
gaya anak dara Nizam & Yati pagi 1/3/09...hantar umah atuk & wan utk day-care.
(ibu pi belajar...ayah still tak sihat...takde org nak jaga..kesian!)
Besar dah anak dara ni..
Ibu & nuyin with chopstick (chinese dinner mlm tadi)
kecik2 dah belajar pegang chopstick
gaya amoi....kat hospital (KPJ specialist, formerly known as SMC) waktu ayah hospitalized...
heheheheh..cute kan !... Enjoy people !!!
1 comment:
geramnyer!! shes cute sgt2..hehehe!
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