Reality is....Ibu sudah rasa tersangatlaaaaa penat...penat dgn problem quality yg tak abis... tgk tu kat sudut kiri gambar,...those are all the documents...(problem parts after market, parts downtime...as well as development parts)...yang masih pending tak berjawab n dievaluate oleh ibu... air kotak pun tak sempat minum.. Letih la...
dah lama dah rase penat ni...but now worst...bile dpt bos baru yang tak sama pemikiran dgn diri sendiri...not just me... my colleagues says the same thing..dah tak happy nak bekerja. macam terpaksa pun ada jugak.
So how!... should i quit?... Bonus dah dpt... ok pe duduk umah sementara 3 bulan.. concentrate study Masters.. one month before complete, start applying for new job.
Tapi takut gak, bila dah masuk comfort zone tidak bekerja... lama2 malas apply for new job.. to be a full time housewife?... hmmm ... mcm kurg setuju. i will, but not now when i'm still young.
tapi ok jugak tengok anak2 membesar dpn mata. hantar ke sekolah.. buat urusan rumah tangga.. tak payah amik bibik.. sendiri urus..
So how ? HELP !!.. to Quit or not to QUIT ?
salam yati...
mmg sukar utk membuat keputusan... timbang tara... istikharah... insyaAllah berjumpa jawapan...
good luck!
ntah la kay...
bosan dah mcm ni...
letih pun ya jugak...
cari bidang lain laa
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