it started yesterday morning during Nurin's drop-off at her nursery, around 7.30 am. After passing her school bag at her teacher, i walked over to the other side of the car, to pick up my girl. After lifting her up, as i was standing straight to close the vehicle's door, i suddenly heard snap, (sound of slip disc) and all of a sudden, i felt weak on my left knee, and i fall to the ground in a split second. Luckily, Nurin's teacher saw my face which shows full of pain all over it, that she rushed to me as i was collapsing to the ground and grab Nurin before i loose grip on her.
So there i was, crying my lungs out in pain...that i did not bother anyone who was passing by or dropping off their child there, and crying out loud. Kak Zila, (the owner/headmistress of the nursery), rushed to my aid, and help to straighten my leg, and 'picit-picit' sket. Apa lagi... the screams were getting louder, and the tears are flowing faster than ever.
Then came her neighbour, which is my 'kakak', kak Ila, and she decided to bring me to the clinic. As i reached there, i was put on a wheelchair, and brought straight to the X-ray...After X-ray, (still weeping by the way), the doctor said that he saw a tiny fracture, and was worried about it, and decided to pass/refer my case to Damansara specialist.
So than came my hubby (after getting a call from Kak Ila), came to the rescue....and drove me to Damansara Specialist emergency room. So, after attended by two very nice and professional doctor, i was brought again to the X-ray section, and my knee was X-ray again.
hmm... found that my 'meniscus ligamen' had tore a bit , and it resulted to a big lump (swollen)..huhuhu...the doc said that those type of injury usually happened to sportsmen a.k.a. football or rugby... hehehe... apa la...angkat anak pun macam main rugby..
Anyway, they wanted me to be admitted, but i chose to rest at home... and given MC for another 4 days... aiyoh..what a week... Then, i was transferred to the 'rehab' section, and was given ice pack treatment, a knee support and was taught to use crutches to ease my movement..huhuhu....Abah and Abg Long appeared
suddenly at the rehab section ..hahaha...watching me walking like an 'OKU' person..and practising walking on the staircase......apa lagi..kena gelak la ngan abah...hehehe..as usual

- My abah was kind enough to push me around on the wheelchair at the hospital, while my hubby went to the pharmacy to pick my medicine..Thank you Abah
- I then, called mummy dearest who is at Jordan by the way, after having lunch at the Damansara Specialist Cafetaria.. and the first thing that she said was...'Aiyoh...you are worse than me la...'. hahahaha..like mother like daughter...accident prone... 'Ke mana tumpahnya kuah kalau tak ke nasi',....kui kui kui
Anyway, that's my story of the week..... how's yours?
OKU = Orang Kurang Upaya.....
P/S: The photos were all taken at Damansara Specialist Centre.
Salam Yati,
Oh Dear..mesti sakit. Mi ada experience using that crutches.Hahaha leceh tapi rasa cam cool jer.
Get well soon!!
p/s: ni mesti mc takde kerja nak buat sampai leh jumpa my blog.cheers!!
a'ah...tau takpe..
bosan giler dah duduk umah...
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