I received a call last night from my sister-in-law, Mazwin saying that she wanted to drop by at the house to pass me some stuff. So when my hubby and I answered the door, there came my nephew, Iman Zulhaqim...carrying an artificial flower and dedicated 'Happy Mother's Day' to me.. I was stunned and speechless by the act.
According to Mazwin, they (her family) were out for dinner that night, that suddenly her eldest son, Iman requested some money from her to buy something. To her suprise, he bought two artificial flower, that he gave one to his mom, and me...as a Mother's Day gift... I was touched by the act, and how thoughful for a Standard 2 child to bought a gift not only for his mum but for his aunt ..me..hehehe..as well..
Anyway, I would like to say Thank you again to my darling nephew, Iman for his kindness & thought..
and i would like to take this opportunity to wish all mothers in the world...A Happy 'early' Mother's Day....
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