Time flies so fast, my princess had recently turned 1 year old last week, which is on the 1st of May...yippie...labour day...ibu ayah cuti, Atuk & her ever busy Wan also cuti..and the whole country also cuti, hehehe celebrating her birthday..Pandai ibu planning...heheheheh. Everybody was so excited, especially Atuk Nurin who kept talking 'tak lama lagi birthday Nurin'..(since March).I decided to throw a small and simple birthday party for her..My hubby agreed as long as i don't tire myself in the process and get mad if everything does not goes as planned...huhuhu as usual..
My hubby started to pump air in the balloon two nights before the Birthday celebration and i helped him hang in the morning although the party only starts at 4.00pm.Nurin was very very very excited seeing the decorations that she did not sleep since waking up at 8am that very morning. I was afraid that she would be not be in a good mood (sleepy & gloomy) that evening, so i forced her to sleep at 2pm. But she only managed to fall asleep at 2.45pm.. which means she will only have 1 hour to sleep and less that fifteen minutes to freshen up and get ready for the party...fuuhh..takut btul dia mengamuk tak cukup tido waktu birthday party...
The guests had already arrived when i managed to wake her up, and dress her in the red dress that i've bought a month ago. We had a few dresses that i've bought to choose from, and Abah & her Mak Su Nana wins majority in choosing the dress. Mummy dearest chose a striking pink gown for Nurin to wear instead. hmmph...takpe..maybe next time..(kalau muat lagi)..hehehehehe..semangat anak ibu ni..
Alhamdulillah...she was in a good mood... only in the beginning, she was looking around dengan muka masam..maybe pelik, ramai sangat org dtg umah dia that day..hehehe
A week before the celebration, my hubby & I did some shopping for her birthday present at Toys R US, One Utama that we bought a cute mini 'princess' car for her to ride and play with. Alhamdulillah, she loves the mini car so much , instead of riding it, she push the car all around the house...hehehe...Naik la jugak kereta tu, tapi asyik undur ke belakang je...hehehe
Her presents...huhuhuhu..banyaknya
Nurin got herself plenty of presents. I invited only close relatives & friends on the occasion. One of the presents that excites her the most was the little pony rocker that Uncle Lee (Ayah's closest friends) bought. Adding to the suprise was, Nurin's uncle, her 'pak long' also brought her present that he bought at Australia during a business trip. hehehe...Jarang pak long beli barang untuk org lain..hmmm...(Ada udang sebalik mee ni kut..hehehe)
To summarize it all, it was a wonderful event that my family will always remember and cherish. Eventhough it was just a simple one but we really appreciate it and thank you all again for coming and even remembering our princess's birthday.
Thank you all...
Happy Birthday again...my dearest princess...
Be a good girl now..
eeee ramainyeh budak2!!! so many babies, omg..! i cannot!!
tu ape presents byk sgt tuh.. eeeeeeeeeee... mknn pon sedapnyehhh.. ade goodies bag pulak.. eeee.. cake pon besar! aaaaaaa...
ni br 1 anak! omg u r..
baju nurin sgt sweet yes yes. & dia mcm dah besar.. pastu ade rashes.. isk isk letakla insect repellant..
omg ada kuda, kereta semua, dh besar nnt, mesti sgt berhemah nurin memandu & menunggang kuda
hehhehe.jgn jeles... mana hadiah mal ida nyer?
Kak Yati, I just found yr blog. and will eb a frequent reader after this :O
Am a big fan of kids as well, so mmg best la kalau u post entries psl yr princess Nurin
thank you my dear..
feel free to drop by ok..
take care
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