This is my second posts of the day...
the 1st one..of course a good news for me...
however, i would like to also share some bad news ..
At first, i thought that my knee injury was already bad, however, i followed my hubby to Hospital Kuala Lumpur today, at 4.30 pm (in fact, i just reached home and had to open my notebook to share the story), to visit my ex-boss (during my work in Peps-Jv Rawang)...which is also my hubby's loyal employee since he started working. This column is for a friend of ours... Saiful Azhar who was admitted to Hospital Kuala Lumpur for 1st Degree burned on his face (urghhh)...Can you imagine?.
Saiful Azhar or we called him Wak Kang...(hehehe...pure Jawa) was working at my hubby's office in Glenmarie Shah Alam on Tuesday evening... repairing/maintaining a machine, when suddenly the circuit exploded and burn his face. At first the worker's there brought him to SMC, and was told that they have no facilities for burned victims...So they transferred him to Hospital Kuala Lumpur by ambulance , and he was taken to the ICU. at first they called SJMC as well as Sunway Hospital but they were told that they are full and had to be wait-listed (WHAT!!. takkan ramai sangat org Malaysia terbakar atau melecur)...
So, today, he was out of the ICU, and was placed in the Wad Intensif Kebakaran... and we were able to visit him. I was a bit afraid to see him...(takut nak tengok muka dia....kesian pun ada...takut menangis kat dpn dia...), but gagahkan jugak... dengan bertongkat2 , i pun masuk la wad tu... This is intensive care only one person at a time can visit him...have to wear white colour coat, hospital slippers as well as to wash our hands at the allocated sink before entering his ward. By that time, there were 5 of his colleagues came visiting, and had to queue after me... Seeing that there are lots of visitors, his wife seek for the doctor's and nurses permission to bring his husband, our dear Wak Kang to meet us at the ward door instead of us going in one at a time...(Nak jimat masa melawat...almaklumlah, hospital kerajaan...waktu melawat is fixed... 4.30pm~7.30 pm only)
So, as i was halfway walking to the ward, i saw Wak Kang and his wife walking towards me, and said, he will be going to see all of us there by the ward door. What can i say,.. I was VERY shocked and felt VERY sad to see a once happy man, to be suffering such pain... He is still the happy man, smiling and stating thank you for those who came visiting him. I can only describe his face to be burn (black...with some skin peeling off...reddish...His face can be seen to be a bit watery...tak tau laa sama ada nanah atau air) eyelashes (kening, bulu mata and misai, janggut all gone)..and his eyes can only be open a bit... According to his wife, yesterday, he couldn't open his eyes at all. Ada ke patut, my hubby took pictures of him.. isk...i won't be putting his photo here in this blog..Kesian and sedih.
Instead of showing the pain he is enduring, he was so concerned to see me walking with crutches and knee braces. Sepatutnya, i yang tanya and menasihatkan dia to be strong and to really take care of himself, instead dia yang suruh i hati2 jalan. Hmm...he is still the same Wak Kang i know...the caring person that cares for others first before him. I was so relieved that her wife managed to transfer him to Damansara Specialist Centre for treatment ... at first HKL tak bagi...tanya macam2,...ada plastic surgeon ke?..ada intensive care ke?... Of course laa ada, cuma bayar mahal sket je la...even the doc kata kalau nak transfer DMC, then, diaorg tak jadi nak scrub (berus) his face....better DMC yang scrub...lembut sket.. kerajaan sendiri yg ckp, "kalau nurse sini buat...paham2 je laa"....(takutnya dengar....tapi it's reality...government hospital has the best facilities..but they have a lot of patient that they cannot entertain one specially...keja buat nak cpt je...). Like his wife told me, yesterday, waktu Wak kang cannot opened his eyes, he was struggling to go to the toilet...meraba2... as you know...Satu ward ada 4 org...and he had to meraba2 jalan ke toilet...luckily his wife came and pimpin him to the toilet...tapi malangnya...toilet penuh ada org... Bila his wife mintak permission nak ke toilet ward sebelah...bole nurse tu kata..."Bole tahan tak?" Ada ke tu dah laa sakit...nak jalan ke toilet susah...pastu suruh tahan ...........Geram nya ngan misi misi hospital kerajaan ni...(Patutlah, mak after delivering me at HKL, she swore not to give birth to my sisters at hospital kerajaan anymore...sebab pernah kena tengking by misi when i had jaundice after birth... that's why i'm the only one of the 4 siblings to be born at a government hospital.. the reason was, my parents had to cut cost, because the age difference between me and my bro was very close and they need to spend more on diapers, milk for us both...wawawa)
So..nasib baik laa Wak Kang dapat transfer ke DMC... Wishing him the best and may he recover as soon as possible..
Also heard another bad news early this morning 1am... that another ex-boss of mine passed away kerana 'kencing manis' . En Nik was 44 years old.. Allahyarham meninggalkan a wife and a daughter. Hubby went to ziarah pagi tadi ...and most of my colleagues from Perodua also visited him. He was not only my ex-boss in Shah Alam, he was also one of my vendor's in Perodua. Semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat.....